Sunday, December 06, 2015

I Want To See Europe . . . Again.

I'm wanting to see Europe again.  Not as a tourist on a schedule.  I'm wanting to explore and discover.  I miss walking the narrow streets before the tourist blink open their sleepy eyes.  I miss the taste of coffee and fresh baked bread on a dewy morning at an out door cafe.  I yearn to feel foreign air saturated with the essence of the location.  I want to feel the ancient and hear the sounds of humans having an everyday conversation in a tongue I don't understand.  I miss seeing the good side of people helping a stranger especially when that stranger is me.  If you have never experienced this then take my hand and come along.  You are in for a treat.

1 comment:

critterbug said...

It's so nice to visit those small corners of Europe where hardly any tourists go. It really is an almost surreal, magical feeling to just walk around in an unknown land and, as you said, listen around to people speaking in an unknown language. I hope you can visit Europe someday again.